Appointments are required. Please call or schedule online
Serenity Wellness Plan Massage Memberships!
1 / How the Wellness Plans Work
The Wellness Plans incur a monthly charge at a discounted rate. A "primary session" is associated with that monthly charge. Depending on which Wellness Plan option you sign up for, your primary monthly session will be a 60 minute, 90 minute, or 2 hour Swedish, deep tissue, or prenatal massage
2 / Plan options
We have 3 Wellness Plan options to chose from
>> Monthly 60 minute session at $85 per month (Swedish, deep tissue, or prenatal)
>> Monthly 90 minute session at $135 per month (Swedish or deep tissue)
>> Monthly 2 hour session at $185 per month (Swedish or deep tissue)
3 / How to pick the right plan
When deciding which plan is right for you, please consider these two factors... 1) your budget and 2) your favorite session length and type
Things to know before joining the Wellness Plan
The date from which you join the Wellness Plan is when your monthly charge will be incurred every month. If you only plan on receiving one massage per month, please be mindful that your appointment is scheduled on OR after your monthly session charge has been incurred in order to ensure your appointment will be covered under your monthly session
There is an initial 6 month committment period with all Wellness Plans. After the initial 6 month period, your wellness plan will auto renew for another 6 month term but may be discontinued at any time with 30 days' written notice.
Wellness plan perks and sessions may not be shared with others
Wellness Plan Perks
Rollover sessions
If you aren't able to make it in one month, your unused monthly session does NOT expire. It will rollover month-to-month until used.
Infrared Sauna Discounts
Wellness Plan members receive 10% off the regular price of infrared sauna sessions
NOTE: to schedule a sauna session, please call or email.
Specialty Session Discounts
Wellness plan members receice 10% off the regular price of any Speciality services
Seasonal Session Discounts
Wellness Plan members receive 10% off the regular price of select seasonal services
Enhancement Discounts
Wellness Plan members receive 10% off any enhancement services
NOTE: to add enhancement onto an appointment, please call or email.
Additional Session Discounts
Wellness Plan members receive 10% off any additional sessions they may receive other than their monthly primary session.
Join our wellness plan!
Select the Join Now button on your preferred Wellness Plan option.